The Rope Swing Saga / by Pete

The Fellowship of the Swing

Forward – by Henry Danko Winterbear

 The mighty swing saga! This is the story of three of humanity’s finest and their want to bring freedom to the people of Otterspool. Their fearless leader @mikeshorter , the stout-hearted hobbit @pete_ric and their pet bear, @dankowinterbear, show us a simpler way of life...


 A story of discovery and creation

 It was a cold, wet day. Our adventures heard whispers on the wind, “… fun… fun..” It seemed to be coming from the west. Enemy territory. Otterspool... Bravely they ventured forth looking for the one thing that would satisfy their hunger. Little they knew a grand adventure awaited them.

 The discovery was made quickly. A wooden monolith draped in rope of blue, green and gold. It stood in front of them, majestic in its ancientness. A beautifully old nylon rope hung down to the floor, asking to be swung on. Excitedly the adventures investigated this strange place. Within a few minutes, they were soaring like eagles.


Whilst the Bear and the Hobbit played on the swing, leader Mikey looked up at where the rope reached the tree. The rope was fraying quite badly and looked worse for wear, and lower down the branch hung the ghosts of old rope swings, gnarled, frayed and snapped. They were a reminder of the fat little goblins and the damage they could do to beautiful things.

 “I’m not sure how safe this is. I think we should replace the rope and clean the tree of the old ropes. It will make it safer for the goblins.” Said, Mikey

 “ggrrrrrrrrrr,” said the bear in agreement.

 The hobbit stayed silent, he was an impatient person, and as such, he didn’t like goblins... They just got in the way and always took his turn.

 A fortnight past.


On another cold, wet day, the adventures returned to the swing.  Leader Mikey had tools in hand. Jumars, Grigri, Knife and better quality rope. He quickly scaled the old rope, making short work of it, attaching a new swing, traversing the mighty branch, and cutting away the old rope that haunted it.


 The hobbit and bear gave moral support.

 Once back on the ground, Mikey unveiled the final surprise. An icon of hope, a weapon of joy. The handle for the new swing. Perfectly balanced, hand-turned Canadian maple. Silence befell Otterspool as the tying ceromancy commenced. It was a perfect fit…

The adventures stood back in awe, and looked up at there creation.

“One Swing to rule them all, One Swing to find them, One Swing to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.”

 The adventures had fulfilled their quest. They found something to do on those cold, wet days and brought the fun back to the dark land of Otterspool.


 But for how long? Rumours have spread across the land. They say the handle of hope was stolen, and Otterspool has been overrun with hordes of goblins ever since…

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