Gratitude follows Intention (A1 Print)

A1 x5 Edale A1.jpeg
A1 x5 Edale A1.jpeg
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Gratitude follows Intention (A1 Print)


The start of a new year and a beautiful friend had planned an adventure! The Edale Skyline is a 32km hike that traverses the ridges and Moreland surrounding Edale. The 8 of us scamped our way around into the night. I look back at this day with immense gratitude. For the beautiful friends I have and the amazing day we shared, for the perfect weather and the natural beauty of the UK.

When I look closer at the image I see all the tiny people with who we shared the hills, people who got out of bed that day with the intention of seeking experiences. Intention & gratitude, are two distinct energies, connected through the poles of time. When living well we look toward our future with intention and then peer at the past with gratitude.

(A1 Limited edition of 5)

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